Sesco is ITAR Compliant

What Does It Mean to Be ITAR Compliant?

Being ITAR compliant means that a company or an individual is following all of the rules and regulations set forth by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). This includes obtaining the proper licenses and approvals for exporting defense articles, services, or technical data. Being ITAR compliant also involves properly handling and safeguarding these items in order to ensure that they are not being misused or transferred to unauthorized parties. Sesco Industries is proudly ITAR compliant and works within the regulations set forth.

For companies or individuals involved in manufacturing, selling, or exporting defense articles or services, it is necessary to fully comply with ITAR. Non-compliance may lead to different types of penalties presented by ITAR. These penalties include hefty fines, export privilege loss, and occasionally criminal charges.

To become ITAR compliant, companies and individuals first need to understand the requirements and regulations set forth by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, which includes determining whether their products or services fall under the scope of the USML. If so, then needing to obtain the necessary licenses and approvals before exporting them.

On top of that, companies need to implement all proper safeguards in order to protect their products and technical data from any unauthorized access or potential misuse. This includes having facilities that are secure, stringent procedures for handling and storing sensitive information, and the right training for employees who handle these items.

Overall, being ITAR compliant is essential for any company or individual involved in the export or import of defense-related articles and services. Being ITAR compliant also ensures that sensitive information and products are properly handled and safeguarded at al times. Helping to prevent unauthorized access or transfer of these items. By following the rules and regulations laid down by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, companies can avoid any penalties while still maintaining their export privileges and continue to contribute to national security efforts.

ITAR Compliance Requirements

ITAR compliance requirements are a set of regulations established by the US Department of State for the purpose of protecting national security and foreign front. ITAR controls the export, import, and transfer of defense-related articles and services on the United States Munitions List (USML). International Traffic in Arms Regulations compliance is a mandatory aspect for anyone involved in the manufacture, export, and transfer of defense-related articles and services listed on the USML. This includes both domestic and any foreign person or entities, as well as any person or entity that engages in the business of exporting defense articles or furnishing defense services.

Here are some of the key requirements in order to become ITAR compliant.


All companies that engage in the business of exporting defense articles or services must register with the US Department of State's Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, which includes manufacturers, exporters and brokers.

Record Keeping

ITAR regulations require companies in order to maintain detailed records of all defense articles and services exported or manufactured. These records must include information on the quantity and type of articles or services, the end-user, and the intended end-use of the part.


Companies must obtain a license from the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls before exporting defense articles or services that are listed on the USML. The licensing process requires companies to provide detailed information about the article or service, the end-user, and the intended use.


ITAR regulations require companies to provide training to employees involved in the manufacture, export, or transfer of defense articles and services. This type of training covers the following topics:

  • ITAR regulations
  • Licensing requirement
  • Compliance
  • Recordkeeping

Offer training to all personnel involved in ITAR related activities and maintain comprehensive records of all authorizations and transactions. Ensuring you stay fully compliant.

Compliance Programs

In order to fully comply with ITAR rules and regulations, companies must establish compliance programs that include policies, procedures, and controls to ensure that all activities related to the manufacture, export and transfer of defense articles and services are in compliance with ITAR regulations. Implement robust security measures to safeguard ITAR controlled information and articles and develop an ITAR compliance program.


Identify and classify defense articles and technical data in order to determine if they fall under ITAR.

Contact Sesco Today

Failure to comply with ITAR regulations can result in a variety of harsh penalties, which includes fines, loss of export privileges, and imprisonment. It is crucial for companies involved in the manufacture, export, or transfer of defense-related articles and services to understand and adhere to all ITAR compliance requirements. Learn more about ITAR compliance to have a better understanding of these rules and regulations. 

Sesco Industries is proud to be an ITAR compliant company. Contact us today learn more about our compliance, as well as inquire about our military parts and supplies.

Contact Us

When you reach out, we can provide you with a quote for the part you are looking for. Sesco Industries is a nationwide supplier of aerospace parts. On top of being ITAR compliant, we are also QLSM approved.